Managing Pain Medication-Induced Nausea Symptoms After Oral Surgery

Having dental implant surgery is a relatively minor procedure as far as surgeries go. However, there's a strong likelihood that your dentist will prescribe prescription painkillers to you to help manage the pain for the first few days after your procedure. While most patients don't experience any major side effects from taking these pain killers, it's possible that you may experience some nausea or an effect on your appetite. To reduce or avoid these symptoms entirely, plan ahead and follow these steps.

Why Surgery And Medications Can Cause Nausea

Nausea is a fairly common side effect of certain painkillers, such as hydrocodone. Even if you've taken this medication before with no problems, there's a chance that it may cause nausea following surgery. Your blood pressure may be higher or lower than normal following surgery, while your body tries to heal, which may change how you react to medications like hydrocodone.

Don't Skip Meals

It's important to eat while you recover from your procedure, even if you don't have much of an appetite. It's fairly common to experience diminished hunger when you're recovering from an operation, but pain killers can have a much stronger effect on an empty stomach. In addition, some can potentially harm the lining of your stomach, so don't skip meals. If your pills tell you to eat before you take a pill, or to take the pill while you eat, follow the directions.

Eating can be a little difficult while you're recovering from dental implant surgery, so make sure stock up on your favorite soft foods before your procedure. Fruit, smoothies, soups, porridge, and sports beverages are all good ideas to get adequate nutrition and hydration while you heal without harming the surgical sites.

Take as Small a Dose as Possible

The fear of pain can be a powerful motivator, but always take as little of your pain medication as possible. For example, your pills may suggest that you can take between half of one pill to two pills. Try the smallest dose first, and if you start feeling discomfort, take the other half of the pill. By keeping the dose of the medication as low as possible, you can also reduce your risk of side effects. Allow some time between each dose, as pills don't take effect immediately.

Control Your Bleeding

As an extra note, if your gums are oozing blood, try to slow the flow of blood by gently biting down on some gauze. Tasting blood can make some people feel nauseous all on its own, so tasting blood may worsen your nausea regardless of your medications.

Nobody wants to feel nauseous while they're recovering from a medical procedure, but you'll feel better soon. Follow these steps, let yourself rest, and you'll be feeling pain-free and normal again quickly.

For professional oral surgery, contact a company such as Oral Surgery Associates Inc.
