What Are Some Popular Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a type of dental specialty that encompasses treatments and procedures to help improve the appearance of your smile. While some procedures may also provide some other benefits, the main objective is to have a smile you are proud of. Here are some popular types of cosmetic surgery.

Teeth Whitening

A popular cosmetic surgery procedure to get is a teeth whitening procedure. Dentists typically offer two types of teeth whitening treatments in their office, including laser whitening and tray whitening. Tray whitening is different form home tray kits since the trays are custom-made to fit your teeth. This allows you to have more even bleaching of your teeth's enamel, along with trays that you can keep using over and over again as needed. Laser whitening is done completely in the office, where a laser and whitening


If you have staining, discoloration, or oddly-shaped teeth, you can also get veneers. They are often used when your front teeth are stained in a way that regular teeth whitening can't improve. Veneers can also cover many other imperfections, from teeth that are slightly spaced apart, to teeth that are an odd shape or size. They are made from thin pieces of porcelain, which is bonded to your teeth. To make room for the veneers, your natural teeth will need to be filed down slightly. Once the veneers are adhered to the teeth, they are polished and look and feel just like natural teeth.


Clear, plastic aligners are used in some orthodontic treatments, such as Invisalign. This is often considered a cosmetic dental procedure as it helps to improve the appearance of your teeth. Though it is also an effective orthodontic procedure. With the aligners, you have orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth and improve your bite without having to wear metal or ceramic braces. The aligners are made to fit over your teeth and encourage movement over time. You will remove them when eating and brushing your teeth, but wear them at all other times.


For teeth that have staining or other imperfections, you can also choose bonding. This is done with bonding material that is shaped around your teeth to cover them and improve the imperfections. They can help with teeth are smaller than the others, thus increasing its size and improving your smile. Like veneers, they can also cover discoloration that teeth whitening is not able to cover. You may also have bonding and filling to fill gaps between your teeth.

Contact a cosmetic dentist in your area for more information.   
