Time To Brush: 3 Mistakes You May Be Making With Your Toothbrush

If you're not brushing your teeth properly, you could be jeopardizing your oral health. It takes more than just a quick brushing to get the job done right. Even if you're brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing after each meal, you could still be shortchanging your teeth if you're not doing it right. Here are three mistakes you might be making when you brush your teeth.

Using the Wrong Toothbrush 

Choosing the proper toothbrush takes time. You shouldn't just purchase the first one you find. Take the time to choose a toothbrush that will work well for you. First, a hard brush isn't necessarily the best brush. A toothbrush with hard bristles could actually damage your teeth and gums.

Hard bristles can scratch the enamel on your teeth and irritate your gums. Instead of choosing a hard bristle brush, reach for one with soft bristles instead. You should also make sure that the handle fits well in your hand. A comfortable grip will make it easier for you to brush the necessary amount of time.

Speeding Up the Process

Brushing your teeth shouldn't be a race against the clock. Instead of speeding through the process, take your time to make sure you get your entire mouth clean. To make sure you spend enough time brushing your teeth, set a timer for 2 minutes. Divide your mouth into four sections and spend about 30 seconds on each section. This will ensure that your teeth and gums are cleaned thoroughly each time you brush your teeth.

Holding On to the Tried and True

If you can't remember the last time you bought a new toothbrush, your present one is too old. Your toothbrush gets a lot of use, which means it will wear out. Over time, your bristles will weaken, which will mean your teeth won't get as clean as they should. Not only that, but your toothbrush picks up bacteria from your mouth. That means that each time you use an old toothbrush, you could be transferring germs and bacteria to your mouth. Do your teeth a favor and buy a new toothbrush at least once every three to four months. You should also change toothbrushes after you've recovered from an illness.

You want to keep your teeth healthy. In addition to brushing your teeth twice a day, you also need to make sure you're brushing them properly. Use the tips provided here to make sure you're giving your teeth the best care you can when you brush. To keep your teeth as healthy as possible, be sure to see your dentist at least twice a year. 
