What Can You Do To Protect Your Baby's First Teeth?

Even though your baby's first teeth will eventually fall out, it is important that you take steps to protect them. The teeth help to set the stage for good dental hygiene later and poor treatment of them could lead to dental problems later in life. If you have a baby who is getting his or her first teeth, here are some ways that you can take care of those.  

Practice Good Oral Habits 

Taking care of your baby's teeth does not start with him or her. It actually starts with you. As the caregiver of your child, there is a possibility that you are exercising some poor oral habits that could have an impact on his or her teeth.  

For instance, if you have a habit of tasting your baby's food before feeding to him or her off the same spoon, you could be inadvertently sharing bacteria. Cavities are highly contagious and can develop from spreading bacteria through sharing food. In addition to this, you need to avoid the practice of putting the baby's pacifier in your mouth to clean it. Always use water to prevent the spread of bacteria.  

Most importantly, you need to keep up with your own dental hygiene practices. If you do accidentally share utensils or other things with your baby, you can reduce the chances of spreading harmful bacteria by keeping your own teeth and gums in good shape.  

Choose the Right Diet

Now that your baby is developing teeth, it might be tempting to give him a wider range of foods and beverages. Unfortunately, some diet choices that are made are not necessarily the healthiest and can have a negative impact on your baby's teeth and gums.  

It is possible to expand your baby's diet selections without compromising his or her dental health. For instance, fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, avocados, and winter squash are full of the vitamins your child needs and good for his or her teeth enamel. As you know, teeth enamel is instrumental in preventing cavities. If you do opt for sweeter fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, take the time to wipe or brush your baby's mouth after feeding him or her.  

Your child's dentist can help you pinpoint other ways to protect the child's first teeth. Ideally, you should see the dentist when your child's first tooth erupts. If he or she has not had an eruption by the first birthday, consult with a dentist such as Kuban David S DDS. 
