Everyone knows that you can get significant changes and improvements made to your smile with the help of dental care. Of course, those improvements usually take some time, potentially with multiple appointments or even over the span of years. If you've got a sudden event coming up and want your smile to look its best, don't fret. A dentist can still do a lot for your smile, even if you don't have much time.
One of the things that dentists do best is whitening teeth. At-home products can do a good job of this, too, but they tend to come with a few drawbacks. For example, at-home products can take a long time to whiten your teeth. This is because they need to be gentle enough to be safe for home use without the supervision of a dentist.
At the dentist's office, you'll be in good hands. Your dentist will use strong whitening products to get your teeth to glow after just one visit, but they'll also ensure that your teeth are healthy enough to be whitened and that your gums are safely protected from the whitening agent.
Another way a dentist can quickly help you is to reshape your teeth. If your teeth are worn down, chipped, or just look a little rough, reshaping can quickly improve how they look.
Your dentist can reshape your teeth in two ways. For shortened, damaged teeth, dentists usually perform a reshaping by using filling material to repair the damage to your teeth. This doesn't require drilling, as you don't have a cavity. However, the same filling material that is used to ensure that your tooth is protected after having a cavity can easily be used for this purpose, and typically can be completed in a single visit.
If your tooth is too long and makes you feel self-conscious, your dentist can reshape it by gently filing down the edge. This will help you to have shorter-looking teeth.
Finally, your dentist can do a lot to help repair the look of your gums on short notice, too.
Gums can often look misshapen around the teeth, especially if you've previously had gum disease. Dentists can fix this look by gently reshaping the gums and trimming away excess tissue that is damaged or otherwise unsightly.
As it turns out, there are plenty of things a dentist can do for you on short notice. If you want to look your best, get in touch with one now and be happy with how your smile looks during your event.