3 Reasons To Make A Dentist Appointment

Going to the dentist is an incredibly important part of your oral care. Unfortunately, many people avoid the dentist because of money, fear, time, and much more. If you would like to know more, keep reading to learn about three reasons you should make a dentist appointment, so you can better protect your oral health.

1. You've Been Avoiding the Dentist

If you haven't been to the dentist in a while, it's time to make an appointment. Even if you brush and floss after every meal, you may have hidden tartar, which needs to be removed by a professional to prevent damage to the enamel. Similarly, the dentist looks for weakening enamel and treats it with fluoride or other procedures.

Besides tooth decay, abscess, and gum disease, the dentist monitors for signs of oral cancer. They also use X-rays to see what's happening below the gumline. For example, the dentist can use X-rays to make sure your child's permanent teeth are coming in straight.  

2. You Have a Toothache               

If your teeth hurt, you may have sensitive teeth, tooth decay, or a tooth infection. Thinning enamel often leads to tooth sensitivity, which your dentist can easily treat. Tooth decay occurs when the bacteria infect the dentin tooth tissue (after breaking through the enamel). Unless the dentist removes the decay, it spreads to more healthy tooth tissue, destroying more of the tooth.

A tooth infection develops when bacteria reach the tooth's pulp. Infections are often incredibly painful, and you may have bad breath or oozing pus. A tooth infection often needs antibiotics, but antibiotics alone aren't enough, and the dentist must extract the tooth or perform root canal therapy to prevent the spread of the infection.

3. You Have Bleeding Gums

If you rarely floss, you may notice some blood when you do finally floss. However, if you frequently floss and see blood, or you see blood when brushing your teeth, you may have gum disease. Bacteria is the leading cause of gum disease, but risk factors include smoking, diabetes, and poor oral hygiene.

If your dentist catches gum disease early, minor treatments may reverse the effects of the disease. Your dentist will likely recommend antibiotic treatments and deep cleaning. Once the gums are healthy, they should heal on their own, but if left untreated, early gum disease may advance to periodontitis.

Treatments for periodontitis also include antibiotics and deep cleaning, but periodontitis drastically affects your gum tissue and jawbone. As a result, you may lose some bone and gum tissue. This requires tissue grafts to reverse.

Your dentist is your best ally in protecting your oral health. With regular visits, you are less likely to have serious problems like a tooth infection or advanced gum disease. If you would like to know more, contact a dentist's office in your area today.
