
What You Should Do If You Encounter A Dental Emergency

A dental emergency can be anything from a chipped tooth to a broken tooth, to an infection - all of which can take a toll on you and make things such as chewing, drinking, or even just talking difficult. If you encounter a dental emergency, you may not know how to handle the situation or what to do until you can get to the dentist. Read on for some helpful information to use as a guide if you happen to find yourself in a situation such as this, and what you can do until you can get in to see the dentist.

The Benefits Of Same-Day Dental Crowns

If your dentist has suggested to you that you get same-day dental crowns you're probably aware that the process for getting these crowns is a lot faster than with traditional ones. The process of getting traditional crowns can involve several different steps and it can all take quite some time. However, same-day crowns offer you the ability to get the dental work you need to be done in a shorter amount of time.

Why Are Your Teeth So Sensitive After Brushing?

While it's absolutely crucial for their health, brushing your teeth should be quite uneventful. You brush, you rinse, you spit, and you get on with your day. Aside from your mouth feeling fresher after you brush, there shouldn't be any ongoing physical sensations once you finish brushing your teeth. This is why it's slightly worrying when your teeth begin to hurt after you've brushed them. What could be causing this?

3 Benefits A Dental Implant Can Offer Denture Wearers

The use of a dental implant can be a rather obvious choice for many people looking to replace just one single tooth. However, what many denture wearers do not realize is that these implants can also be extremely beneficial when used to support a full set of dentures. In this article, you can learn more about some of the benefits that come along with the use of dental implant supported dentures.

What Dental Implant Type Is Best For You?

The days of depending on dentures and bridges alone are gone. Dental patients now can make their smile complete using dental implants. Some patients may not realize that there are choices in what type of implant you choose. Read on and find out more. Dental Implant Procedures  The type of implant you choose may vary but the procedure is generally the same. The steps usually consist of removing the damaged tooth (if necessary), performing a bone graft for those with weakened jawbones, placing the dental implant post into the jawbone, and placing the abutment and crown (artificial tooth) on top of the post.